Reporting Intellectual Property Infringement on Modemojo

This webpage is intended for intellectual property rights holders and their authorized agents to report suspected infringements on Modemojo, such as copyright or trademark violations. If you don't fall under this category, please be aware that Modemojo cannot address complaints submitted through this form.

How to Report:

  1. File a Report: Use the "Contact Form" section below to detail your concerns or at []
  2. Response Time: Modemojo will process all reports submitted through this form within a maximum of five (5) business days.
  3. Communication: To keep you informed, please provide a valid email address when submitting your report.

At Modemojo, we take intellectual property rights seriously and expect our users to do the same. If you believe your work has been copied in a way that constitutes copyright infringement, or your intellectual property rights have been violated, please submit a formal DMCA Notice to []

What to Include in Your Notice:

  • Identification: A physical or electronic signature from someone authorized to act on behalf of the copyright or intellectual property owner.
  • Detailed Description: A specific description of the copyrighted work or intellectual property you believe is being infringed. If you believe multiple works are infringed, please provide a comprehensive list.
  • Location: A specific description of the allegedly infringing material on our platform, allowing us to locate it efficiently.
  • Contact Information: Your address, phone number, and email address.
  • Good Faith Belief: A statement that you have a good faith belief that the disputed use is not authorized by the copyright or intellectual property owner, its agent, or the law.
  • Accuracy & Verification: A statement that the information in your Notice is accurate and made under penalty of perjury, confirming you are the copyright or intellectual property owner or authorized to act on their behalf.

Taking Action:

Upon receiving a valid DMCA Notice, Modemojo's designated agent will review the claim and may remove or disable access to the allegedly infringing material.

Modemojo's Commitment to Intellectual Property

We take intellectual property rights very seriously and have implemented measures to ensure all products and designs offered on our platform comply with applicable laws and regulations. If a complaint is received from a rights holder or agent, Modemojo will:

  • Conduct a comprehensive investigation into the alleged infringement.
  • Take appropriate action, which may include removing the allegedly infringing product or design from our website.

We appreciate your cooperation!

By working together, we can uphold the integrity of our platform and guarantee that all intellectual property rights are respected.

Do you have further questions?

If you have any further inquiries or concerns, please don't hesitate to contact us using the information on our website.

Alleged Infringement:

(Include a form or link to a form where rights owners/agents can submit their complaints with details like the nature of the infringement, the copyrighted/trademarked work, etc.)

Contact form